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Displaying results 1 of 20 - 256
Date Sort ascending Image Innovation City State Country
First century AD Acueducto de Segovia Acueducto de Segovia Segovia SEG Spain
between 1842 and the Baltimore & Ohio Roundhouse & Shop Complex Baltimore & Ohio Roundhouse & Shop Complex Martinsburg WV USA
BC 100 Ifugao Rice Terraces Ifugao Rice Terraces Bananue Philippines
750-1180 Prehistoric Mesa Verde Reservoirs Prehistoric Mesa Verde Reservoirs Montezuma County CO USA
605 AD Zhaozhou (or Anji) Bridge Zhaozhou (or Anji) Bridge Zhaoxian Hebei China
600 - 1450 AD Hohokam Canal System Hohokam Canal System Phoenix AZ USA
537 Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia Istanbul Turkey
300 BC - 1400 AD Guayabo Ceremonial Center Guayabo Ceremonial Center Turrialba Turrialba Costa Rica
2575-2137 BC Lake Moeris Quarry Road Faiyum District Egypt
1974 Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme Khancoban NSW Australia
1959 UTICA MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Utica Memorial Auditorium Utica NY USA
1958 Mackinac Bridge Mackinac Bridge St Ignace MI USA
1956 The Dalles Lock and Dam The Dalles Lock and Dam The Dalles OR
1956 Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge New Orleans LA USA
1952 Dorton Arena Dorton Arena Raleigh NC USA
1947 Maine Turnpike Maine Turnpike ME USA
1944 Kentucky Dam Kentucky Dam Grand River KY USA
1944 Hanford B Reactor Hanford B Reactor Richland WA USA
1943 Blimp Hangars Blimp Hangars Irvine CA USA
1943 Denison Dam Denison Dam Denison TX USA

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