The Edger station was the first steam electric plant produced that could tolerate over 1000 psi of pressure. Initially conceived by Mr. Irving Edwin Moultrop, then Assistant Superintendent, Construction Bureau of the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston. He guided his company and the electric utility industry on a major step forward into the higher-pressure range of 1,200 psi steam. After studying the gains in efficiency to be had from higher steam pressures and temperatures and confined by the limits of then available commercial equipment, it was decided to include in the original development at Weymouth one 1,200 psi boiler and turbine acting as a unit, in conjunction with a 350-psi system consisting of three 350 psi boilers supplying steam at 700° F to a header feeding steam to two 350 psi turbines. The high-pressure steam at 1,200 psi and 700° F expanded down to 375 psi and 500° F in the General Electric high-pressure turbine, rated at 3,150 kw.