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Idols Station, Fries Manufacturing & Power Company
Society: ASMEMain Category: Electric, MechanicalSub Category: WaterEra: 1890-1899DateCreated: 1898Duke Power Company-Winston-SalemState: NCZip: 27012Country: USAWebsite:,-fries-manufacturing---power-comCreator: Fries Manufacturing and Power Company

This run-of-the-river plant is a typical example of late nineteenth-century small-scale (750 kilowatt) low-head hydroelectric power technology. The Fries Manufacturing and Power Company began operating the Idol's Station on April 18, 1898, making it the first commercial hydroelectric plant in North Carolina involving long-distance power transmission, fourteen-miles distance at 10,000 volts. Idol's was an important power source for transportation, lighting, and industry in the Winston-Salem area.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASMEImage Caption: Idols Station, Fries Manufacturing & Power CompanyEra_date_from: 1898
Society: ASMEMain Category: Electric, MechanicalSub Category: SteamEra: 1890-1899DateCreated: 1891Henry Ford MuseumDearbornState: MIZip: 48124Country: USAWebsite:, Vleck, John Van, Joy, David

This machine, which began operation on December 15, 1891, for the New York Edison Illuminating Company, represents the beginning of large-scale electric power generation in the United States. The generator was designed by chief engineer John Van Vleck, David Joy (known in England for his valve gear), and S. F. Prest.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASMEImage Caption: Engine-Driven DynamoEra_date_from: 1891
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